La Pomme de Vie

- Fine art performance -

Woman - Man - Relation

Freedom - Captivity - Liberation

What we leave behind

While performing the dancers become the sculptor's models. The sculptor pours them into plaster, using his creativity sometimes he "breaks down" the shape intensively other times build on them.

The sculptor deprives the dancers of the movement that enlivens them - the dancers tear away the sculptor’s work, but in the end they are creating the eternal memento of their encounter  together.

Two dancers, one sculptor. They all do what they are the best at, thereby an exciting performance and a sculptural artwork are born at the same time.



Atelier 21220 - La Pomme de Vie performance


Beáta Egyed (dancer)
Gyula Cserepes (dancer)
Dénes Csasznyi (sculptor)
Janus Ales Luznar (Yanoosh) (music)

Kristóf Várnagy (camera)


Photo:  Iringó Simon, Anett Szujó